Popular Music (signed)
Popular Music (signed)
A signed copy of my first book of poems and essays, Popular Music (2016). Ships free and directly supports my ability to write more poems.
Some praise for Popular Music --
“What Kelly Schirmann accomplishes in her debut collection Popular Music is no simple feat. Through poetry and essay, Schirmann weaves sentimentality, irreverence, wit, politics, reflection, research, and philosophy into one harmonious soundtrack of our complicated, modern lives. In lesser hands, the result would be cacophony, but Schirmann’s brilliance alone is convincing connective tissue. Popular Music is both a love letter to music—how it accents, affects, and defines us through varying stages of our lives—and a hilarious and heart-breaking investigation of our relationship to technology, nature, and country. This book is in a class of its own and is simply unforgettable.”
-- Heather Cox, Chicago Review of Books (Best Poetry Books of 2016)
"A young poet and musician from Northern California, [Kelly] Schirmann is the author of Popular Music (Black Ocean, 2016), her newest full-length collection. Whereas [Bernadette] Mayer is a homebody contemplating the immediate in a poetic almanac, Schirmann gives readers an expansive poetic travelogue. Yellowstone, Austin, Mississippi, Phoenix—these are a few of the places she explores with fierce lyric intelligence. Popular Music is an Emersonian meditation with a kickass playlist set on shuffle. Its hybrid style mixes essay and lyric. Its journey eschews the narrative tropes of On the Road, Travels with Charlie, and other classic tales of self-discovery. Popular Music instead forges its own path as a true 21st-century work: abstract, self-absorbed, random—a non-linear odyssey of the Internet Age, whose sections feel like movements of the poet’s private symphony."
-- William Lessard, Brooklyn Rail