Poets Anaïs Duplan and Kelly Schirmann come together at this virtual event to discuss their new hybrid collections of poetry and prose. Duplan’s Blackspace is the culmination of six years of multidisciplinary research about the aesthetic strategies used by experimental artists of color since the 1960s to pursue liberatory possibility. Through a series of lyric essays, interviews, and ekphrastic poetry, Duplan deconstructs how creative people frame their relationships to the word "liberation," culminating with a personal essay meditating on his own journey of gender transition while writing the book. Schirmann’s The New World follows the attempts, failures, and re-attempts at understanding and articulating an era of immense social upheaval, political corruption, and environmental consequence. In five distinct sections, the book refracts, explores and investigates these global themes through the realm of the personal and private, asking “How do you write poems in a country like this?” Join Duplan and Schirmann for this compelling virtual discussion of their work!
Hosted by Greenlight Books, Brooklyn. Events starts at 7:30pm ET. Register for the event here: https://www.greenlightbookstore.com/event/ana%C3%AFs-duplan-kelly-schirmann